Tuesday 8 January 2013


I went to Techniquest science museum in Cardiff Bay on Sunday 30th December 2012 with my boyfriend Ben and my twelve year old cousin Callum. Afterwards Ben claimed that while he enjoyed Techniquest and playing on the exhibits he said that it was not very educational and he believed that neither he nor Callum had learnt anything. In my short time studying an education degree I was able to refute these claims and proved that while they had not realised it he and Callum had been learning – Kinaesthetically. They had learnt that a possible explanation for lots of ships sinking in the area known as the Bermuda triangle could be attributed to large amounts of Methane gas being released from under the seabed which decreases the density of water causing ships to sink. They also learnt that it is possible to move a very heavy industrial hook with just a small magnet if you are patient and pull the rope attached to the magnet in just the right way. Ben was able to communicate with Callum with just a whisper even though he was about 15 metres away because of two giant dishes that reflect sound waves. I learnt that when confronted with interactive science toys 26 year old men regress into children.

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