Sunday 20 January 2013 is a web2 website that contains funny pictures with captions. It began using just pictures of cats with deliberately misspelt captions which were supposed to be interpreted as being spoken by the cat in the picture The reason for the name of the website derives from the very first funny cat picture - which are known as lolcats - where a grey cat asks for a cheeseburger. It has since been assumed that cats really love cheeseburgers. Anyone can upload and caption their own picture or just caption an existing picture. This is then submitted and people vote for their favourite captions and the winners are put onto the website. The main positive feature of this website is the entertainment it provides. I like the website because I like cats and I especially like funny pictures of cats. Other than providing entertainment there aren’t really any other positive points to say about this website. The negative features of this website are that it contains a lot of advertising; the website is completely free to view and contribute to and so only makes money from adverts. In addition the website has become slightly addictive for me and I have found I have wasted a large amount of time looking at pictures of cats instead of doing something productive. Wired magazine in its October 2012 edition brought to light to what extent the internet is used for looking at pictures and videos of cats, it made for surprising reading and more importantly made me realise that I was not alone in my cat obsession.

Wired October 2012 Article

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