Tuesday 8 January 2013

Inspirational TED talk.

Adolfo Kaminsky made huge sacrifices throughout his life in order to save the lives of probably thousands of people and that is why I find this video inspiring.  Adolfo made forged documents for people who were persecuted by political regimes for thirty years and never once received payment for it. He worked for resistance groups in France, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Columbia, Peru, Uruguay, Chile, Mexico, Algeria, and worked for Nelson Mandela’s anti-apartheid party. In the TED talk about her father Sarah Kaminsky talks about the sacrifices her father made in order to pursue this selfless path. He was forced to abandon his older children in order to protect them and was always broke as he always refused payment so that he would not have to forge documents for any cause he did not consider to be just. She attributes some of his motivation to the possibility of survivor’s guilt as he was able to leave the Drancy concentration camp where many of his friends died due to his Argentinian citizenship. Whatever Adolfo’s motives I think he is a selfless person and should receive more credit for the work he did, for the countless lives he saved and for the sacrifices he made to do it. 

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