Sunday 20 January 2013

Guardian Teacher Network Blog

I have chosen to follow this blog because I believe the Guardian newspaper to be of a reputable standard allowing me to find its content useful and reliable. The blog contains posts from teachers, head teachers, deputy head teachers and also professional articles from Guardian writers. The content on this blog is varied containing teaching resources and useful ideas for lesson planning which come from teachers who have tried and tested them which makes this blog a good platform for sharing good practices and ideas. There are anecdotal posts from teachers including a ‘secret teacher’ an anonymous blogger who gives frank opinions on issues in the school system. This could be very to useful to people, like me, who are aiming towards a career in teaching as it gives an insight into the struggles that may be faced. The blog also includes topical stories with teaching resources for initiating classroom debate. However it is important to remember that most newspapers have some kind of political inclination meaning they aren’t always impartial. The Guardian veers towards the liberal democrat party and liberal ideas. This should not mean that its content is disregarded as left wing but other sources on information and opinion should be considered in order to gain a more balanced understanding of a topic.

1 comment:

  1. Loving your whole blog Cat!!! You are so good with words! x
